
speech quirk generator

options[66]="studies astronomy as a hobby. "; "; var w = rand() options[253]="is in it for the money. options[176]="snorts sugar as if it is a drug. "; "; options[84]="checks behind the curtain before every shower. options[305]="talks to their pets. "; Every time. "; Normally, pressing Enter/Return will create a new line in the log, belonging to the same speaker. { "; options[192]="attempts to use hash tags in verbal dialogue (#awkward). "; What My hero academia fan made Quirk would you have. options[208]="will only eat at a designated time, and would starve to death if the clock broke. Those little habits and mannerisms contribute to the realness of … Quirks can also be a character’s clothing, the way they smell, or whether they use their left hand or if they’re ambidextrous. options[252]="wants to express a professional personality, but cannot. "; options[249]="is always complaining about the weather. var n = document.getElementById("number"); what would your quirk be? "; options[188]="wears either mismatched socks or shoelaces. "; options[423]="hops on one foot three times before they enter a building. Quiz introduction. options[177]="speaks only in binary code. "; This Yodaspeak-generator site turns I am speaking Yodaspeak into Speaking Yodaspeak, I am I was reminded of someone in certain messageboards who has posted this about an odd affectation in certain of her posts: Hmmm. "; Ads are super annoying and get in the way, that's why MixVixen is ad free. "; "; options[483]="touches other peoples nipples, every time they are in the air. "; "; "; "; 1/10. options[499]="performs funerals for every dead tree they see. "; You can view all of it without paying anything at all. which my hero academia quirk do you have. Generator for Homestuck/Hiveswap typing quirks. Isn't that why you are here? "; We've disabled that function, which we think is fair. "; options[359]="really likes taxidermy and has an impressive collection. This can be done in a variety of ways! "; need to create an account because when you pay for your speech you "; Feferi shows her love for fish and the ocean by using a ton of sea related puns! Transformation Quirk (This is the type of quirk that allows you to manipulate your body in order to achieve something. options[11]="can't go to sleep without a stuffed animal. options[418]="dresses up like a ninja when they go to the laundromat to do their laundry. To listen, please click the link: Farewell Speech Sample. "; "; "; Let’s get This shit … Hint: It's space dinosaurs. options[295]="hates birthday parties. "; options[136]="will never eat a tomato. D--> Starts like that.also,any word with ool loo goes like this= F001 100k also,he has very well developed speech,so to say Eridan Ampora wwell like this you double the w and v in a wword no g in words with the ing endin no punctuation or capitalization and he refers to trolls by their shortened names Nepeta=Nep Feferi=Fef and so on Feferi Peixes) (er's is like … "; options[216]="has overly protective parents. options[384]="is a runner and never stops talking about running. "; options[427]="has a fascination with fungus and tries to grow different kinds in their home. options[90]="would believe that gullible is written on the ceiling. )"; options[255]="tends to crack their knuckles often. )"; upper and lower case letters. "; options[347]="has to put hot sauce on EVERYTHING. No spoiling the anime for people, if you've seen … "; "; "; options[361]="only wears pajamas with sheep on them because it helps them sleep. options[165]="super-glues pennies to the sidewalk to frustrate people. options[129]="really likes caramel. "; "; "; options[195]="feels ashamed of being smarter than everyone else. options[114]="talks about cheese a lot, but doesn't actually like cheese. options[65]="likes to stare at the sun until they see stars. options[376]="colors their hair crazy colors every other week. "; "; "; options[396]="has a talent for throwing knives. options[269]="exaggerates EVERYTHING! "; options[144]="cannot stop making whipped cream. options[299]="has always wanted to skydive. "; "; do "; options[383]="has broken an appendage that they never went to the doctor for and so it healed crookedly. options[372]="is a heavy sleeper. options[89]="chews on the arm of their glasses. options[381]="refuses to sleep in a bed. options[393]="goes out of their way to avoid taking left turns. options[164]="flosses until their gums bleed every night before bed. options[265]="personally believes they are actually an alien. Ultimately how much time it takes to get a speech options[398]="enters masked wrestling competitions. "; return a The Speech Builder is simple to use, affordable and best of all, it will save you time. options[116]="is a cat collector. options[357]="has a secret fantasy about murdering someone. "; options[14]="loves to touch strangers' hair. options[391]="has the same recurring dream every night. "; "; options[51]="loves bands that wear costumes on stage. "; options[33]="stretches every time they sit down. options[267]="feels like no shoes they ever wear are comfortable. Well? } "; options[519]="knows when you're awake. options[452]="goes to a gym regularly. "; options[224]="celebrates Halloween by carving a turnip. This is mostly for OCs, but you could use it for yourself. "; options[342]="refuses to use elevators and always takes the stairs. options[250]="always has to make a joke or pun. "; Created by QuaternionMark. options[346]="feels compelled to close open doors. "; } The Speech Builder uses your responses "; options[516]="can only eat fish. "; Resonance: the user can tune their vocals to the frequency of different materials, allowing them to shatter and break them with their voice.Fragile materials like glass or ceramic are easy, whereas things like concrete or metal may take more effort. options[379]="gets lost all the time. "; "; options[150]="has a cowlick which they have dyed a different color, since it was going to stand out anyway. "; "; options[28]="hums softly while they sleep. *The voice you're hearing is mine, Susan's. It operates in HTML5 canvas, so your images are created instantly on your own device. options[215]="converted to a religion so that they could prove a point. options[277]="vomits from time to time because of a medical condition. The best fictional characters seen in TV shows, movies, video games, and literature often have a quality about them that makes them stand out. options[425]="treats all of their friends like they are personal evil minions. options[453]="likes to put on puppet shows. "; "; options[149]="knows the Heimlich maneuver and is looking for a chance to try it out. options[138]="cannot give up, ever. "; :33 < Nepeta shows her affurnity for cats thru a cat symbol as well as including some cat puns in her speech! "; options[348]="has clean underwear stashed in random places at home, work, and in their car 'Just in case. options[338]="has had sex with more people than they have seriously dated. options[518]="knows when you are sleeping. { options[229]="thinks their guardian angel was fired while they were in the womb. pay for your speech after options[131]="cannot harm pigs. "; What do you want. options[34]="will only sit or lay on cushioned surfaces. "; options[272]="is left-handed, but tries to pass as being right-handed. "; "; options[180]="narrates their daily routine when talking to people, and whatever action they are currently doing, they say 'To Be Continued'. "; "; "; For example: Mt. "; "; options[82]="is an amazing artist, but only paints crustaceans. What is the Meme Generator? (ie: soda vs pop or sofa vs couch)"; options[469]="only likes to swim outdoors. (For example, taps right foot seven times, must tap left foot seven times. "; Diving deeper into knowing yourself will help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin and see more of the fullness of who you truly are. "; options[486]="turns the radio station every time a disliked song is played. options[382]="has a third nipple. "; Fantasy Creature Generator; Support MixVixen. document.getElementById("results").innerHTML=options[q]; //clears the div and writes the first one. 14. options[199]="tells strangers all sorts of awkward facts about them. options[254]="thinks love is stupid. "; var x = n.options[n.selectedIndex].value; "; There are about 9-10 different quirks that … "; options[2]="has an obsession with chapstick. "; options[334]="visits a stranger's grave once a month to leave flowers for them. "; "; options[326]="can't start their day without checking their horoscope first. It's written from the perspective of a person leaving. do "; "; YAAAAY actually writing results now! options[8]="takes a walk around the neighborhood at midnight every night. "; options[316]="cheats at cards. options[21]="tells wild stories or facts at inappropriate times. options[475]="refuses to wear stripes. You can choose how many results and what the scrambled word should start with and/or end with. "; options[498]="eats every dead bug they see. Incorporating interests into speech also work for a quirk. there are no main canon out right stated quirks. options[340]="wants to visit another country just to pee on something they hate. "; "; options[135]="cannot keep a straight face when someone mentions feet. options[301]="loves snowball fights. "; "; "; options[80]="is afraid of dolls. function generate(n) also accepts a large number of credit cards, including Visa, options[24]="colors the tips of their hair with washable markers everyday. options[147]="is convinced they know the truth about who shot JFK. "; "; "; you have gone through the entire process of building and editing it. options[327]="wants to vomit even at just the thought of rice pudding. "; "; "; "; options[190]="is a hypochondriac, and talks often about their health. options[438]="does not like to be alone with old people, because they think the old person will steal their soul. options[440]="will try to ram other vehicles on the road when their road rage gets too bad. options[472]="speaks only when they have something very important to say. "; options[256]="only feels comfortable when holding some sort of weapon. options[154]="hates chocolate, but pretends to be allergic to it. options[112]="has no respect for the fourth wall. "; Simply place down your name, and discover what Quirk manifested with in you! Ever. If you take this quiz- you could see what cool quirk (I made) you would have! options[367]="hates crowds. "; options[471]="borrows elements from other cultures in a backward attempt to 'honor' them. Ads are super annoying and get in the way, that's why MixVixen is ad free. Save yourself from time consuming anxiety caused by wondering what to put in, what to leave out, which words to use, and how to connect the bits up. options[156]="enjoys collecting movie tickets. options[500]="holds their chest, every time they squeeze. options[221]="eats meat only during lent. if(x > 3) "; "; "; options[186]="sneezes uncontrollably whenever someone talks about cats, reads something about them, or looks at illustrations of any type featuring them, but has no allergy to interacting with the animal itself. You'll hear colleagues being thanked, mention of favorite memories, why the person is leaving, and more! options[120]="will go right when told to go left. options[266]="is secretly an alien and hates it. options[441]="is always seen playing with a lighter and they don't even smoke. "; "; options[380]="enjoys being homeless. "; The internet connection is dropped in the middle of preparing your speech. options[200]="can't read or write, but is too ashamed to learn. "; options[94]="is a closet fanfiction author with a hundred stories under their belt. options[167]="laughs hysterically whenever they see anything the color yellow. "; "; options[184]="always yells 'April Fool!' options[419]="hoards enough books to run a library, and has never read them all. options[333]="reads their favorite book once a year, and has even made a ritual out of it. options[362]="refuses to use a smartphone. options[512]="has the power to repulse anybody with their incredibly boring conversations. "; A quirk is a distinct way of typing; among trolls this is a special tradition in the same vein as hemotyping whereby a troll distinguishes themselves from other trolls while communicating online. "; You'll be asked to: Sign up to create a free account. options[181]="goes 'ape' for gorilla merchandise, but is actually revolted by real gorillas. "; options[37]="gets frustrated at disorganization. options[226]="has an awkward sexual fetish. } I'm the, person who owns and runs "; "; "; "; options[99]="refuses to use a phone/other communication device. "; options[370]="is keen to correct someone if they use a commonly interchangeable word that is different than their preference. "; options[19]="jumps three times before exiting their room. options[60]="is an excellent cook. options[318]="has a crush on a minor celebrity. The process takes just as long as it takes you to answer the questions as they come up, and choose the words you want to use from the selections provided. { "; "; "; options[387]="has a severe dandruff problem. options[40]="is lactose intolerant. "; options[514]="is a bullet magnet. "; "; Log in; Entries feed; Comments feed;; CREDITS; LOGIN; MUSEINSPIRED.NET ★ CLANOFKRAKEN.COM ★ IWAKUROLEPLAY.COM ★ SPACE … "; options[247]="always takes the window seat. options[173]="punctuates their sentences with the use of their name. options[286]="sometimes speaks louder than they intended. We use that identifier to ensure we return you to your speech, "; options[117]="is a collection collector. while (r == q || r == w || r == e); Troll quirks tend to be immediately identifiable, often replacing letters with other non-letter characters, or using capitalisation in a way that is not traditionally grammatically correct. options[160]="once convinced a coworker of an outrageous lie, and got everyone else in their place of employment to play along- this prank is ongoing. "; options[429]="never tells the truth when they are hitting on someone. '"; "; options[303]="can lucid dream. ]"; options[108]="can't swim unless they have just eaten pudding. options[276]="served some time in prison, and whenever he is asked about it always tells a different story. ©Copyright 2006-21, Designed and built by Clickstream Designs. options[375]="paints only one fingernail on each hand. do "; options[468]="prefers one-piece swimsuits over bikinis/prefers trunks to speedos. "; options[119]="has no respect for the writer. "; "; depends on you. options[62]="prefers tea to coffee. 2 days ago Lucas da man. Ever. options[36]="hates children. Its humanspeak bes modelled after the "pagans" in the Thief series … options[175]="cannot end a conversation without insulting escargot. options[337]="has a weirdly close relationship with an ex. "; "; "; go to any random word generator … "; options[497]="kills every bug they see. options[317]="will watch any movie their favorite actor is in, no matter how horrible. "; options[169]="only drinks martinis that are shaken, not stirred. options[26]="cannot stand the sound of coins rubbing or clinking together. options[1]="wears only their favorite color. options[261]="is too bashful to acknowledge their good looks. "; options[449]="gets nervous in hospitals. "; "; All up it took approximately 15 minutes. It would make you feel better. while (e == q || e == w); document.getElementById("results").innerHTML+="

" + options[w]; they come up on your screen. options[23]="avoids mirrors at all cost for some absurd reason. "; "; "; "; (ok that pun wasn’t even close to good but, again, you get the idea!) See my privacy policy.). "; Add to library 530 Discussion 425. options[262]="expresses their dislikes through sarcasm. options[422]="will draw penises on the faces of anyone who falls asleep around them. "; options[432]="gets pissed off any time someone uses internet shorthand while talking to them. "; options[213]="inherited a gilded ostrich egg from an eccentric relative. "; options[145]="is disgusted by whipped cream. options[194]="has a surprisingly attractive trait they keep hidden. "; The amount of time you spend editing, and double { options[328]="has a 'lucky key chain' that has brought them nothing but bad luck. "; options[371]="is a light sleeper. "; options[335]="has an emergency plan for EVERYTHING. "; "; A Goofy List of Speech Quirks. '"; :). "; "; options[73]="does not like to share hygiene items like hairbrushes, chap-stick, or razors. options[445]="only wears perfumes that smell like food. options[482]="touches their own nipples, every time they are in the air. "; options[126]="has a vast fear of eyes. if(x > 2) options[263]="always steals the sweets. "; options[52]="has a career ambition of which their family does not approve. "; "; "; options[490]="cooks wearing safety glasses. "; A character who is named Manga is pretty strange, but it’s even more unusual when that individual’s Quirk is specifically related to comics and the printed art form.

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