
cape independence advocacy group

hide. Tag: Cape Independence Advocacy group. CIAG stands for Cape Independence Advocacy Group (South Africa) Suggest new definition. अभी नहीं. [AFRIKAANS] Who is the Cape Independence Advocacy Group and What problems are they trying to solve? Please visit our website. Alec Hogg: Cape independence – not so wacky? Cape Independence Movement has 34 members. Posts tagged as “Cape Independence Advocacy Group” Cape independence – a call for counter arguments. Western Cape secession - Phil Craig (Cape Independence Advocacy Group) By Jerm. Link/Page Citation. According to the poll, more than 1 in 3 Cape citizens (36%) support the concept of independence … Log In Sign Up. Western Cape secession is a topic being raised far more often than I can remember, and thankfully so. share. Tonight we will find out more about this organisation working with several communities wanting to secede from the ANC Gangster state. या. Cape Independence Advocacy Group. 9 comments. 100% Upvoted. Who is the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) and what is their purpose? Phil Craig, from the Cape Independence Advocay Group, believes that the DA … 0 comments. संब� Subscribe to Loving Life 2019 Channel. Facebook पर Cape Independence Advocacy Group को और देखें. Sort by . This community is to support discussion of the Cape Independence movement and all of the factions … Press J to jump to the feed. Phil Craig, from the Cape Independence Advocay Group, believes that the DA (Democratic Alliance) should be the … By Phil Craig on 25 June 2020 ‘Secession is not about what is best for South Africa. … 15. नया अकाउंट बनाएँ. no comments yet. best. User account menu. The mission of the organisation is to campaign for independence for the Cape, South Africa. 84. Places like New York, Los Angeles, Paris or Milan. Western Cape, South Africa. DA’s Silent March Towards Self-Determination In The Western Cape. Despite this, the Cape Independence Advocacy Group, a political pressure group seeking a referendum on independence, assert that many DA MPs and leaders in the Western Cape privately support not just federal autonomy but secession. hide. Let's talk about the stuff that needs talking about. Sort by. PHIL CRAIG: Cape Independence Advocacy Group | South Africa. save. Cape Independence Advocacy Group Yesterday at 7:15 AM Just imagine what we can achieve if we can lose the lead weight of a ... n ANC national govt which hangs around our necks (now 83 other countries in world where it is easier to do business … Email … Cape independence – a call for counter arguments . लॉग इन करें. Tag: Cape Independence Advocacy Group. 15. Phil Craig-3 June 2020. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the CapeIndependence community . I rarely ever agree with the ANC, but I too would like an investigation. 0 comments. media release: summary of polling results - western cape independence conducted by: victory reserach (august 2020) commissioned by: cape independence advocacy group (ciag) question opinion da c eff f+ d dp ed k e right direction 19.5% 14.1% 33.8% 18.4% 0.0% 5.4% 12.8% 18.2% 26.4% 11.4% wrong direction Facebook पर Cape Independence Advocacy Group को और देखें . See other definitions of CIAG. या. Other Resources: We have 4 other meanings of CIAG in our Acronym Attic. 8th September 20208th September 2020 by Alec Hogg. report. While many would strongly object to the idea, you have to wonder how it would work if the national government had to agree to this. Cape Independence Advocacy Group's Manifesto in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. Cape independence is an idea that is gaining increasing traction. लॉग इन करें. Phil Craig, from the Cape Independence Advocay Group, believes that the DA (Democratic Alliance) should be the political party to drive the idea. Join 29,639 other subscribers. "Results showed that 47% of all Western Cape … Cape Independence Advocacy Group co-founder Phil Craig believes that the argument for Cape independence can be boiled down to seven simple words – we are better off on our own. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Community » Non-Profit Organizations. Alec Hogg shares his rational perspective on the Cape Independence Advocacy Group, who are committed to “obtaining independence” of the Western Cape. Posted by 10 hours ago. share. best. The DA’s silent march towards self … Posted by 20 hours ago [AFRIKAANS] Who is the Cape Independence Advocacy Group and What problems are they trying to solve? This definition appears very rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Which other provinces does @alanwinde serve … Posts about Cape Independence Advocacy group written by martinblaauw. 19. 2,491 talking about this. Posted by 5 days ago. Duration: 1:58:16. save. The Cape Independence Advocacy Group is organising the march on behalf of the Cloetesville community and the greater independence movement. The Cape… just Biden its time. 3. Our international allies will get this even if you don't (or won't)” It is about the best interests of the Cape and its people’ so please base your views on that . … Toggle Sidebar. report. South Africa breaking apart into smaller countries, is a great idea. hide. South Africa breaking apart into smaller countries, is a great idea. As such the name and all similar names in all languages are legally protected. r/CapeIndependence. 2,937 talking about this. Cape Independence Advocacy Group. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. “2/ W.Cape does not have FUNCTIONAL democracy - we have zero prospect of getting the govt we want. Phil Craig is a member of the Cape Independence Advocacy Group. share. नया अकाउंट बनाएँ. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. save . 13 Aug. Is the Western Cape's independence a realistic goal? 100% Upvoted. The Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) was formed in 2020 to coordinate and support people and organisations working towards Cape independence. We have also invited the Cape Coloured Congress, the Sovereign State … Will skittish foreign investment return … report. Cape Independence? A number of other organisations will be marching with us including Capexit, Cape Party, Freedom Front Plus, My Independence and the Concerned Federalists. The Burning Platform, Video. Subscribe to the Rational Standard. DA and ANC dismiss Western Cape secession as ‘myth’ and ‘self-serving’ Eric Naki. What … Although it is dismissed by most as the notion of a lunatic fringe, if the government continues on its current path it is one that will soon gain a foothold in the mainstream. Tonight we will find out more about this organisation working with several communities wanting to secede from the ANC Gangster state. Subscribe to Loving Life Channel. Support the Rational Standard. There, you will find a comprehensive list of FAQs, as well … 5. Since the 2000s there has been growing support for Western Cape, or Greater Cape, independence from South Africa. Cape Independence Movement [ CIM ] is a CIPRO registered organisation. This community is to support discussion of the Cape Independence … … Close. 5. Continue reading → Search for: Recent Posts. As the duly elected provincial government of the Western Cape, and with polling suggesting that 66% of DA supporters in the Western Cape … Political parties such as the Cape Party and Cape Coloured Congress and organisations such as the ape Independence Advocacy Group and CapeXit, which reached 800,000 online registrations in May 2021, wish to bring forth the constitutional and peaceful secession of the Cape… Cape Independence Advocacy Group's … Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Add to My List Edit this Entry Rate it: (0.00 / 0 votes) Translation Find a translation for Cape Independence Advocacy Group in other languages: Select another language: - Select - 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified) 繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional) … Should South Africans be worried about South Africa's march towards policies resembling other countries who believe in centralisation? save. 1. The Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) said in a statement Tuesday it had held its first poll on the issue. Cape Independence? खाता भूल गए? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Who is the Cape Independence Advocacy Group (CIAG) and what is their purpose? share. Abbreviation … Posted by 1 day ago. Scott July 3, 2020. Jerm Warfare: The Battle Of Ideas, 7 Sep Western Cape secession - Phil Craig (Cape Independence Advocay Group) - Western Cape secession is a topic being raised far more often than I can remember, and thankfully so. 0 comments. “Home to many of Africa’s most innovative designers and artists, creativity flourishes amongst the natural beauty and sprawling mountains of the city" When we think of city dreams, or imagine that big city life, often our thoughts lead us overseas. hide. 22/05/2020 22/05/2020. Single issue political pressure group promoting independence for W.Cape. Unathi Kwaza RT from Cape Independence Advocacy Group: 2/ We have 2 queries: Is it really your position that the Premier of W.Cape who we elected to serve us isn't just focused on interests of W.Cape residents? Western Cape secession is a topic being raised far more often than I can remember, and thankfully so. Be the first to share what you think! Single issue political pressure group promoting independence for W.Cape. A place where I speak my mind. Is the will of the majority important in democracy? Political lobby group. In this conversation. Continue browsing in r/CapeIndependence. Become a Patron! South Africa breaking apart into smaller countries, is a great idea. report. A number of well-organised bodies are pushing the idea into the mainstream, among them the Cape Independence Advocacy Group… Close. In a final twist of irony, it would be far easier for the Western Cape to obtain full independence than it would be for it to achieve … no … Don't keep quiet. As co-founder of the Cape Independence Advocacy Group, I cannot claim to be neutral on this subject, but I can state that our primary goal, at this juncture, is to promote informed, rational debate on the merits of independence. Skip to content.

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