Each owner/operator will need to apply this guidance to the facility they are responsible for, depending on the circumstances, layout and design. If the playground is busy, consider coming back at a later time. Home; About; Store; Blog; Contact Us; Shipping TOS; 0 These 17 playgrounds serve 34,000 under-15s, making for 2,000 children per park – nearly three times higher than the national average. If it’s not washable, dispose of it carefully in your residual ‘black bag’ waste. This could include cleaning regimes for: Owners and operators should encourage effective sanitation by users, parents, guardians and carers. Potential measures include: signs to communicate maximum number of users at one time, request those using the play area to only have 1 family member accompanying a child, limiting the available number of seats on equipment or numbers of swings available to promote social distancing, including for parents, carers or guardians who might push children on swings for example, setting a time limit and using signs to communicate this to users, parents, guardians or carers, using adjacent space for queues or waiting areas for users, parents, guardians and carers using barriers, markings or signs where it is safe to do so. There is no universal face coverings guidance for workplaces because of the variety of work environments in different industries, however employers and employees should be aware of the latest legal requirement to wear a face covering as set out in Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own. Play England is calling for playgrounds to remain open to 'reduce the catastrophic impact of COVID and lockdown on children', following on from the news that some are being closed by local councils. Playgrounds, alongside museums, galleries, theme parks, outdoor gyms and arcades, are reopening from 4 July in England. The actions the enforcing authority can take include the provision of specific advice to employers to support them to achieve the required standard, through to issuing enforcement notices to help secure improvements. It still makes me sad, though. by fnicholls55. Restrictions were lifted slowly in phase two to … If the owner/operator has fewer than 5 workers, they do not have to write anything down as part of the risk assessment. Downing Street has moved to clarify that all children are allowed to use public playgrounds in England during the coronavirus lockdown. However, inspectors are carrying out compliance checks nationwide to ensure that employers are taking the necessary steps. If not possible, 1 metre distance with risk mitigation is acceptable. Where protective equipment is already used at facilities to protect against non-COVID-19 risks, this should continue. Owners and operators will need to think about the risks faced and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising that it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19. Officials advice changed today, per Boris Johnson’s Sunday address, and people can now enjoy “unlimited” exercise, but some things haven’t changed. This guidance applies to outdoor playgrounds and outdoor gyms but the virus could survive long enough on frequently used/touched outdoor surfaces to facilitate transmission. Boris Johnson confirmed in his address that venues that require people to come into ‘close proximity’ with one another will need to stay closed for the foreseeable future. Information about parks and open spaces near you, including playgrounds, nature reserves, wildlife sites and sports pitches Owners and operators can find the latest information on what activity is … A boy about to send a pile of bricks flying at the risk-enhanced playground at the Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School in Shoeburyness, England. Talk to your children about this possibility before you set out. Owners/operators should not encourage the precautionary use of extra PPE to protect against COVID-19 except in clinical or care settings (including first aid rooms) or when responding to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. Owners/operators of playgrounds and outdoor gyms in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should refer to guidance and regulations prepared by the Northern Ireland Executive, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government. The local authority is responsible for 15 of these. Guidance on meeting family and friends has been updated, with a greater emphasis on personal responsibility. From 17 May, close contact with friends and family will be a personal choice, but individuals are encouraged to exercise caution. I do understand why playgrounds are considered risky and so why they will probably be very late to open. People are also strongly encouraged to wear face coverings in any other enclosed public space where there are people they do not normally meet. Employers should support their workers in using face coverings safely if they choose to wear one. On conducting the risk assessment owners/operators must consider their staff and the risks they may be exposed to and how these can be mitigated. This includes, but is not limited to, local authorities, housing associations, private landowners, retail businesses, pubs and restaurants, school governing bodies and academy trusts. Owners and operators should be aware of social distancing guidance for individuals. Outdoor environments are lower risk in relation to coronavirus transmission. Owners and operators must ensure that the risk assessment for the playground or outdoor gym addresses the risks of COVID-19, using this guidance to inform decisions and control measures. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. The closure of a playground or outdoor gym is ultimately at the discretion of the owner, operator, or local authority. See guidance for indoor play centres and areas and soft play centres and areas. Playgrounds and outdoor gyms come in a wide variety of formats, some are small and may be a single piece of equipment such as a slide or exercise machine, whereas some are large and incorporate a number of structures and different materials. Main Menu. Let’s look at the City of Westminster (you can’t get much more densely populated than that). Please view the government guidance on Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own for further information. outdoor structures designed for children to play in or on. There may be additional advice for your area. A new COVID-19 variant is spreading in some parts of England. A risk assessment is not about creating excessive paperwork, but rather about identifying sensible measures to control risk. This guidance should be considered alongside local public health and safety requirements. If the owner, operator, or local authority perceives there to be a high risk of transmission to users, they may consider closing the playground or outdoor gym to protect user’s’ safety. Employers should read the relevant guidance for different workplace settings produced by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Playgrounds were closed in March to contain Covid-19 but the government gave the green light to reopen them in England on Saturday. Any PPE provided must fit properly. By Rhona Shennan. This means a distance of 2 metres between people from different households, or 1 metre with risk mitigations (where 2 metres is not viable) is acceptable. Find out what you need to do. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The Health and Safety Executive has guidance for organisations on how to manage the risk posed to users and risk assessment at work along with specific advice to help control the risk of COVID-19 in workplaces. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. PLAYGROUNDS are a vital tool for parents currently stuck at home in the UK, as homeschooling remains until at least June this year for primary students. Playgrounds are re-opening – and here’s what parents need to know. This is when playgrounds across England could open again. Outdoor playgrounds have already been open for a long time in England, and indoor play reopening will be a part of Step 3 on the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown. Owners and operators responsible for outdoor playgrounds will have discretion over whether they consider it safe to open for activity permitted by legislation, and may decide to keep these areas closed should they feel they are not able to facilitate their safe usage. This will include taking account of factors including size, equipment, and how it is organised, operated, and managed. We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Public health is devolved in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Objective: That all owners and operators carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment. They may include equipment such as slides, monkey bars, climbing frames, activity towers, swings, spring rockers, see saws and sandpits. Wash your hands and your children’s hands before and after visiting the playground. This depends on the current restrictions where you live: In Scotland, playgrounds can re-open from 29 June; In England, playgrounds can re-open from 4 July. This guidance does not supersede any legal obligations relating to health and safety, employment or equalities, and it is important that owners and operators continue to comply with existing obligations including those relating to individuals with protected characteristics. Additional measures that can minimise the risk COVID-19 transmission in playgrounds and outdoor gyms focus on promoting responsible behaviour by children, parents, carers and guardians. To help owners and operators decide what actions to take, and to ensure the equipment in their outdoor playground and outdoor gym is safe, they must carry out an appropriate COVID-19 risk assessment, just as they would for other health and safety related hazards. It is recognised that adherence to social distancing between individuals and households can be particularly difficult in a playground setting. The LGA has collaborated on a new guide to help councils and other park managers in England safely reopen urban and country parks, gardens and wider green spaces. Owners and operators of playgrounds or outdoor gyms are reminded that in addition to preparations to ensure they are COVID-19 Secure, there will be general maintenance requirements. limiting the number of users able to use a particular piece of equipment to minimise the transmission risk of COVID-19. See further information from HSE on promoting a balanced approach to children’s play and leisure. A handful of states, including New York, Massachusetts, Colorado, Ohio and Iowa, announced in June that playgrounds could start reopening, though the decision to open … Failure to complete a risk assessment which takes account of COVID-19, or completing a risk assessment but failing to put in place sufficient measures to manage the risk of COVID-19, could constitute a breach of health and safety law. Children’s outdoor playgrounds are being allowed to re-open in the UK, after a long closure due to coronavirus. This guidance provides the owners and operators responsible for playgrounds and outdoor gyms with practical advice on how these can be reopened and managed effectively to enable their use while minimising the transmission risk of COVID-19. Where the enforcing authority, such as the HSE or local authority, identifies employers who are not taking action to comply with the relevant public health legislation and guidance to control public health risks, they are empowered to take a range of actions to improve control of workplace risks. The Town of Plymouth offers expansive recreational opportunities for its citizens and visitors. parents, guardians or carers should dispose of all litter including any used protective wear such as face coverings or gloves properly in litter bins, taking it home where a bin is not provided. This guidance applies to outdoor playgrounds and play areas in Wales but it does not provide advice for the management of play areas that are indoors. What date are children’s playgrounds opening? However, if the risk assessment does show that PPE is required, the owners/operators should provide this PPE free of charge to workers who need it. The benefits of outdoor play to children are significant and keeping parks and playgrounds open supports children’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. Tiny Tots Village Indoor Playzone. Owners and operators also have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. For example, this would cover employers not taking appropriate action to ensure social distancing, where possible. All owners or operators should consider how to put in place measures to support social distancing such as signs to remind users of the need for and adherence to social distancing in accordance with existing government guidance. Good news for families, as playgrounds will also stay open, unlike in the March lockdown when they were closed in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In a letter from Play England to all local authorities in England, several experts who work with children say that playgrounds should stay open … Playgrounds are allowed to stay open under the current restrictions, but in parts of England some councils are choosing to close them to … In Northern Ireland, playgrounds can re-open from 10 July; In Wales, playgrounds can re-open from 20 July This guidance is for the owners and operators responsible for outdoor playgrounds and outdoor gyms. Owners and operators need to consider the unique make up of their playground/outdoor gym when conducting a risk assessment and putting in place measures to enable the effective management of the playground to minimise COVID-19 transmission risk. As various green spaces across England reopen their doors to the public once again, many parents are wondering when they can take kids to … Outdoor playgrounds are open and from 29 March outdoor gyms are also able to re-open. In the district of Westminster, there are 17 listed playgrounds. There are a wide range of parks, playgrounds, historical monuments, beaches and other facilities for all ages and interests. It should be noted that in instances where owners and operators share the responsibility for management of a playground or outdoor gym they should work together to ensure that the appropriate risk assessment is completed. It’s not compulsory for playgrounds to open once the government says they can. COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within 2 metres). Find out what dates they're opening – and what experts are saying about keeping your child safe as they play. Owners have a responsibility to open playgrounds safely.”. This depends on the current restrictions where you live: The RPII, says Jon, is particularly keen to for parents to be careful of any playground features that may have been secured to put them out of use. England's theme parks, funfairs and outdoor playgrounds have been given the green light to reopen from July 4, just in time for summer. Do not remove any plastic fencing or other temporary barriers to the playground that may have been put up during lockdown. Coronavirus lockdown restrictions for playgrounds in England are to be lifted this weekend in England, after Boris Johnson gave the go-ahead When can parks, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skating rinks reopen? Objective: To ensure that toilets are kept open and to promote good hygiene, social distancing, and cleanliness in toilet facilities. and encourage your children to do the same. Owners or operators are defined as those responsible for the management of a playground or outdoor gym, including assessment of compliance with any relevant legislation or guidelines. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. On June 23, Boris Johnson announced that playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skating rinks can open from July 4. Please note: This guidance is of a general nature and should be treated as a guide. England's theme parks, funfairs and outdoor playgrounds have been given the green light to reopen from July 4, just in time for summer. See more information on meeting friends and family. Playgrounds generally constitute space containing outdoor structures designed for children to play in or on. The official advice on Gov.uk states that outdoor gyms and playgrounds are able to open in England from today, 4 July. Do not put it in the recycling bin, practice social distancing wherever possible. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. 217. If employees are required to or choose to wear a face covering, it is important they use face coverings properly and wash their hands before putting them on and before and after taking them off. COVID Secure rules, including social distancing requirements, continue to apply in the workplace, and in businesses and public venues.
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