
acl vs mcl vs meniscus

Finally, there is a second lower leg bone on the outside of your leg, called your fibula. car accident, aggressive football tackles). Healing of the medial meniscus is generally not possible unless the patient is very young, usually <15 years old. The meniscus can be repaired or debrided. Some happen from direct trauma to the knee. ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears and MCL (medial collateral ligament) tears are the two most common knee injuries in active adults. Read About Meniscus Repair. However, there are key differences that might be able to let you know which ligament may be damaged. check out the. what is the difference in recovery time after surgery and pain after ?" When you injure your knee, you can be suddenly bombarded with foreign words and acronyms that don’t mean a whole lot to you.  ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, meniscus, patella…. At this point, it may not be possible to differentiate between MCL and MMT or if both are present. This ligament is not commonly injured, but happens when the leg is forced into ‘varus’. A torn menisci of ACL produces sharp localized pain in the knee. someone tackles you), or indirect (i.e. As knee injuries are fairly common, I wanted to write a quick post explaining what structures are part of your knee joint, and what these structures do. 06-12-2009 07:32 PM #18. Physical exam tests can sometimes distinguish the source of pain. Difference Between an ACL, MCL, and LCL Tear Three bones form the knee joint: the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone), and the patella, which is the kneecap. If it reproduces medial pain, that might look favorably on the MCL diagnosis, though this test has not been evaluated for accuracy. ​ When you’re in pain, your best bet will be to get an individualized, thorough assessment by a trusted physiotherapist. A person occasionally injures the medial meniscus without harming the ligaments. The ligament, located in the back of the knee, that controls backward movement of the tibia (shin bone). The ACL and PCL are two major ligamentsthat crisscross within the joint, allowing the knee to flex and extend without sliding back and forth. It connects the femur and fibula together. Your knee is made up of four distinct ligaments, with one on the front, back and each side. For a meniscus tear, it is possible for an athlete to return to practice two weeks after surgery. The LCL stops your tibia/fibula from bending inwards on your femur (resists ‘varus’ forces). Mri is a great exam that can differentiate between injury to the meniscus versus injury to the mcl. Just removing the bone fragment doesn't seem to be an altogether good way of treating it. The Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is a two-part ligament found on the medial (inner) aspect of the knee. The ACL runs diagonally in the front of the knees, connecting the femur to the tibia. Meniscus Recovery Time. MCL tears are typically easier to recover from than ACL tears. Fast swelling in the knee region. A doctor may order one or more medical imaging tests to confirm the presence and determine the severity of an MCL injury. "acl tear vs.a meniscus tear which is worse ? The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is located on the inside of the knee and is often injured while playing sports, such as hockey, volleyball, or skiing. They are passive structures (we can’t control them with our minds) that hold bones together. This ligament is commonly injured in similar ways to the ACL, or when the leg is forced into ‘valgus’. Meniscal injuries often happen when twisting a bent knee (especially if fully bent), or with foot-planted knee twisting. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web. Answered by Dr. Monica Wood: It : It is difficult to say which is "worse." Therefore, an in-depth look at muscles deserves it’s own blog post (maybe in the future! These ligaments are used in the sideways movements of the knee. Patients will often feel pain with knee bending or twisting maneuvers. An injury to the MCL leads to swelling and pain in the medial, or inner, aspect of the knee. Ligaments, which are strong cords of fibrous connective tissue, connect the bones and hold them in position as the knee bends and straightens. Hopefully by reading this post, the ‘simple’ knee joint has become much simpler. ACL and Meniscus Injuries at the Same Time. About 50% of patients with ACL tears also have meniscus tears, whether the ACL injury is acute, subacute or chronic, according to Shelbourne Knee Center research. The ACL connects from the posterior (back) part of femur, to the anterior (front) part of the tibia – on the inside surfaces. Symptoms of a Meniscus Tear or MCL Sprain Thiago Santos tore the ACL, MCL, PCL and meniscus of his left knee in the UFC 239 main event Saturday night in Las Vegas, his manager Alex Davis confirmed to ESPN. As knee injuries are fairly common, I wanted to write a quick post explaining what structures are part of your knee joint, and what these structures do. Seems that it was neither a meniscus tear nor a MCL tear. Diagnosis is by physical examination and sometimes MRI. The LCL connects on the outside (lateral side) of your knee. The only problem is that because the cartilage from the back of my knee-cap has been removed, it is inevitable that I will end up with arthritis in that knee. This is where those acronyms come in – ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL – so let’s clarify. Regenexx ACL Repair vs Reconstruction Surgery for Knee ACL. Rehabilitating from ACL or MCL surgery is a long process – and that process begins the moment you awake from anesthesia. The most common is the popping sound in the knee area. fast twist/landing from a jump) force is applied to the knee while the leg is straight or slightly bent. Surgery is rare when only the MCL or LCL is injured. When this ligament ruptures completely, you usually hear/feel a “pop”, and swelling starts almost immediately. Both, ACL and meniscus They also provide stability to the knee joint and reduce friction. A medial collateral ligament (MCL) tear can even at times heal on its own without the need for surgery. It connects the femur and tibia together. The partial ACL recovery time is a little less-three month. ACL vs … which is worse an acl tear or a meniscus tear ? ACL and PCL injuries that are not complete ruptures are treated conservatively with physiotherapy. Most meniscal injuries are managed well with proper physiotherapy, as large tears usually only happen with significant traumatic events (i.e. Today I’d like to highlight a patient named Joe’s story. Although MCL injuries do not show up on standard X-ray exams, they are a relatively inexpensive, fast way to rule out other possible injuries that might … People who play sports that involve jumping, quick turns, and sudden stops are at a greater risk of two common knee injuries. The knee joint is surrounded by A LOT of muscles, both above and below it. Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). These two injuries are addressed in the same surgery. the front of your bent knee hits the dashboard during a car accident). The MCL stops your tibia from bending outwards on your femur (resists ‘valgus’ forces). Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Even after recovery, you would need to find the best knee brace for torn ACL to help support your knees. “In general, a strain would be considered a stretch or partial tear but it usually doesn’t require any surgical intervention,” said Evan Lederman, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and chief of sports medicine at Banner – University Orthopedic and Sports … The causes of ACL and MCL tears are similar, and they will also exhibit similar symptoms. What are the symptoms of MCL sprains and tears? The PCL stops the upper leg bone (femur) from translating forward too far on the lower leg bone (tibia). However, as newer research is conducted, more people might opt to forgo surgery and focus on proper rehabilitation, as return-to-sport rates have been found to be similar in operative and non-operative cases (1). Furthermore, almost every muscle from the ribcage to your toes can affect proper functioning of the knee. Symptoms include pain, joint effusion, instability (with severe sprains), and locking (with some meniscal injuries). ACL Tears and Meniscus Injuries can occur together. Dreaded Triad - Grade 3 MCL, Grade 3 ACL amd Medial meniscus tear, If this is your first visit, be sure to You have a femur (upper leg) bone that meets with your tibia (shin) bone, and a patella (knee cap) over top of where the femur and tibia meet. Non-Surgical Vs. Surgical Treatment for ACL and Meniscus Tears Fall sports have a tendency to have the highest number of ACL and meniscus tears on average compared to any other sports seasons. People with MCL tears or sprains often hear a “popping” sound accompanied by immediate pain around the inner knee after being injured. See the photo: As you can see in the photo, the menisci sit on the tibia bone. LCL stands for Lateral Collateral Ligament. As the name suggested, MCL (medial collateral ligament) is located on the medial side of the knee. ACL and meniscus tears are not mutually exclusive – if the knee has been severely injured, damage to both parts of the knee may occur. The primary goal of this protocol is to protect the reconstruction and while steadily progressing towards and ultimately achieving pre-injury level of activity. Now despite the knee joint being fairly simple in how it moves (bends and straightens) – a lot of structures make up a healthy knee joint. “Even most symptomatic meniscus tears will get better on their own,” says K. Donald Shelbourne, MD, orthopedic … Different Types Of Knee Injuries – ACL, LCL, MCL and PCL. They are shaped like C’s, and help to disperse the forces in our knees. could well be connected with a displacement of the kneecap. The following is a protocol for postoperative patients following ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair (medial or lateral). If you have damaged your meniscus, you may feel like your knee catches or locks when you bend and straighten it. Between football, soccer, volleyball, cross country, and off-season basketball, physical therapy clinics are swarming with ACL and meniscus tears. Sprains of the external (medial and lateral collateral) or internal (anterior and posterior cruciate) ligaments or injuries of the menisci may result from knee trauma. If it swells up more in the first 1-2 hours after the injury, it's more commonly an ACL tear and less commonly a meniscus tear. ACL refers to the anterior cruciate ligament. ACL vs MCL Tears and Surgery. The two ligaments connect your femur (thigh bone) to your tibia (shin bone) and protect the menisci that cushion the knee joint. Severe pain and not being able to engage the joint in any activity. [URL=""]seo company[/URL]|[URL=""]link building[/URL], [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]RTKR 18th March 09[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]. The ACL is located in the middle of the knee to prevent shin bone from sliding out in front of the thighbone whereas the MCL is located on the inside of the knee, which is external to the knee joint. ACL vs. MCL: Location. Often when someone tears their ACL, the medial meniscus is also torn or sprained. It may also feel like your knee will ‘give out’ on you. The main difference between an ACL tear and an MCL tear is that an ACL tear will have a distinctive popping sound, while an MCL tear will not. Joe is unique in that he has had the non-surgical Regenexx Perc-ACLR procedure which uses your own cells injected via a small needle, and a surgical ACL reconstruction, so he can compare the two. ​Traumatic meniscal injuries that cause large tears and present with lots of pain/catching/locking sometimes lead to surgery if physiotherapy for 6-8 weeks was ineffective. In addition, the meniscus can be torn in more than one place. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Due to its location, it’s the knee ligament that’s most prone to injury. PCL stands for Posterior Cruciate Ligament. The ACL stops the lower leg bone (tibia) from translating forward too far on the upper leg bone (femur). A knee tear is an injury to one of the ligaments, muscles or layers of cartilage that support and stabilize the knee. But many people tear the ACL while damaging the meniscus, as well. Your ACL and MCL are both ligaments in your knee. The unhappy triad, also known as a blown knee among other names, is an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament, and meniscus.Analysis during the 1990s indicated that this 'classic' O'Donoghue triad is actually an unusual clinical … Tyler Allen ​Physiotherapist at Strive Physiotherapy & Performance. The MCL connects on the inside (medial side) of your knee. This is provided they spend hours in rehabilitation. Our knees are one of the most vital joints in our bodies, shouldering our weight and facilitating movements like walking, running and sitting. With an ACL tear, the patient will need crutches and braces to walk. Here’s a good picture of the ligaments (right knee, with the knee cap removed): The menisci (plural of meniscus), can be visualized as little cushions between the tibia and femur bones. Most knee injuries do very well with proper physiotherapy and do not require surgery. X-rays use low levels of radiation and give doctors a view of a person’s bones. After the first couple of days, an ACL Tear will stop hurting in terms of pain. If you have sustained a knee injury, or have knee pain, it’s highly possible that all of the above-mentioned structures are completely fine, as many other things (i.e. But, just seeing the injury on the MRI does not mean that the abnormality is the pain generator. Please note this protocol is a guideline. Another difference between an ACL and an MCL tear is the amount of instability with walking. When an MCL tear is severe, the athlete can feel a sense of instability or opening on the inside of the knee. I’ll  even include information about common injury mechanisms and rehabilitation. But I Don’t Even Own A Racket! Knowing the signs and symptoms of a tear can help you identify which of these two ligaments is injured and receive appropriate treatment. Of course, we are talking about both injuries here, at once. The bones of the knee joint are fairly straightforward. Medial collateral ligament (MCL). ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, meniscus, patella… Now despite the knee joint being fairly simple in how it moves (bends and straightens) – a lot of structures make up a healthy knee joint. This is the opposite of the ACL, and it connects from the anterior (front) part of the femur, to the posterior (back) part of the tibia – on the inside surfaces. Symptoms of a torn meniscus and ACL. They are most likely to tear when a person receives a hard blow to the outside of the knee. arthritis, knee-cap gliding issues, or muscular issues), can also cause pain. This is because they have good blood supply, and usually heal well without surgery. There doesn't seem to any serious damage to my ligaments. These include the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL). Some people are at an elevated risk of sustaining ACL tears and meniscus tears. In either case, an individualized approach, and physiotherapy are very necessary. Diagnostic Imaging .  That being said, surgery is often done on people who have experienced a complete rupture of their ACL or PCL. The ligament, located in the center of the knee, that controls rotation and forward movement of the tibia (shin bone). What Causes ACL and MCL Tears. Some fibres connect to your meniscus (more on meniscus later). As mentioned, their function is to help cushion the knee, and disperse the forces applied through the knee. Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Tears and Sprains. MCL stands for Medial Collateral Ligament. ACL stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It could be a degenerative meniscus … Calming these muscles down usually helps knee pain quite a bit. The deep part of this ligament attaches to the medial meniscus and the tibial joint line, and the superficial part starts and ends more superficially on the thigh and shin bone. At Strive Physiotherapy and Performance, we are committed to providing an in-depth assessment to ensure we can work together to find the best plan of action for each individual client.Call us at 519-895-2020, or use our online booking tool on to book an appointment with one of our knowledgeable physiotherapists, and they will be sure to help you understand your injury. answers are found in the powered by Unbound Medicine. Risk Factors for ACL and Meniscus Tears. Your knee not being able to support the weight of your body; Pain . A knee sprain is a stretch or tear in a ligament, whereas a knee strain is a stretch or tear of a muscle or tendon. With an MCL tear, the recovery process may take up to eight weeks or more with rehabilitation. The ACL prevents the © 2020 Strive Physiotherapy & Performance, Ergonomics: Making Your Office Work for Your Health. The ACL and PCL connect the femur and tibia on the INSIDE of the knee joint. One major difference between an ACL and an MCL tear is that an ACL tear usually has significant swelling. MCL is the medial collateral ligament. If he's not, find out which orthopaedic surgeon at your local hospital is in this field and ask your GP to refer you to him instead. With a meniscus injury, swelling typically starts hours after the injury, not immediately, like with an ACL injury. The MCL is located on the inner sides of your knees. Meniscus tears and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears occur among athletes, and though they share some similarities, they are different injuries. This ligament is commonly injured when the foot is planted on the ground and a direct (i.e. Meniscus Tear Versus ACL Tear. Need more info: Hi, knee pain can come from multiple sources including the 2 ligaments that you mentioned. This ligament is rarely injured, and most commonly happens when the tibia is forced backwards on the femur when the knee is bent (i.e. The MCL and LCL connect the femur and the tibia/fibula on the OUTSIDE of the knee joint. Acute injury to the medial meniscus frequently accompanies an injury to the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) or MCL (medial collateral ligament). Mostly you can check his name on a Google search and see his CV. ), and will not be covered here. You'll be the better for it in the long run. Collateral ligaments are situated on the sides of the knee, one on the inner side (medial) and one on the outer side (lateral). That being said, a lot of knee pain is caused by protective muscles surrounding the knee (usually the hamstrings and calves). (1, 2) Most of these meniscus tears are asymptomatic (2) and don’t require treatment. please check that the surgeon you are seeing is a knee surgeon and preferably one who specialises in sports injuries. See the picture below (right knee): We’ve learned in previous blog posts that ligaments connect bones to bones. Tennis Elbow?

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