On Halloween Xander dresses as on old Japanese comic book character he liked, Joesph Joestar. I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis. After all is said and done he ends up with not only superpowers but his body changed into a girl as well. Summary. Xander ponders over the meaning of having a soul and gets into a snarky show-down with Spike, who has conveniently replaced Angel as "Soulboy", except Xander doesn't exactly call him that. Listless. Unethical Experimentation. Super!Xander may wind up taking over the planning and strategy, and making demands on the supporting cast for equipment, resources, and determining who gets to help in what way - objections are pointless, because Super!Xander is a much better strategist than anyone else in the story. New Xander Harris fanfic, where he doesn't have superpowers and isn't pregnant: I Come to Her At Night by Sparrow2000. Part 2 of the Retoldverse. Inspired by the idea of Xander dressing as Palpatine with the Death Star. 36. Xander, having lost a bet with one of the girls, has to dress up as supergirl for Halloween. Xander is the lost son of the Zod, and as he gains his powers he gets help from the ‘good’ people of National City. Dammit! Xander was sure there were more embarrassing ways to die than falling from the sky wearing a miniskirt, but he couldn't think of any off the top of his head, not before he slammed into the concrete at any rate. Set in Season 1. Written for the spook_me ficathon 2017. Useless. A Spark of Genius is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Justice League and Girl Genius crossover fanfic by michaelsuave.. Official Summary: Xander Harris was never called a genius, but after a different choice of Halloween costumes he is hit with a "spark" of mad genius, the abilities that go with it, and flung into a far different world. This is a oneshot inspired partly by the fics where Xander had dressed as Dr. Manhattan for Halloween. As of this moment, it's over. Disclaimer: I own neither BtVS nor DC nor Marvel… and a lot of other things! I'm sick of this crap. You know what? ---- Note: This may not get very far & can be a brain teaser. Characters: Xander, Drusilla. To Break, To Mend by Kyrieane Xander is badly hurt and Spike gets the job of looking after him To Want To Need by Cath Visitors at Xander's hospital bed 12.06 a.m. by CowardlyShep By 12.05 a.m. the screaming had started. What if Xander really dressed as Dr. Manahttan? Xander. Dec 29, 2017. Age. It's also inspired by DogbertCarroll's Copy Cat. Something I'm a pretty big fan of. General Ross is a giant dick. This is fanfiction. Sequel to Safety. 2. 1486 stories listed by 238 authors, with a combined size of 102422.1 KB (100.02 MB). Where's the creep that turned me into his spider-eating man-bitch? However, when he turns 16 they considered him a failure so they kidnap him to use as leverage against Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Rating: Teen. #22. Ghosts of Halloween. The mini slayers managed to ambush Xander and stick him in a mixed costume. He is the result of a secret military super genius breeding program. Chapter 1. Safe Sane and Consensual. Buttmonkey. The One Without the Superpowers. Walking on Sunshine. I Don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The X-Men or any characters from Watchmen. Stupid. Through a strange series of events, Xander discovers his parents aren’t drunks, he isn’t weak, and Sunnydale isn’t the best place for him. Afterwords he gets the ability of Ripple, the anti-vampire fighting style, and Hermit Purple, the vine like Stand that can transfer Ripple energy as well as bind foes, hack electronics and give visions of the future. On the Steven Universe idea I have: I'm finished being everybody's butt-monkey! Life just got complicated again. Xander Harris is not actually a Harris.
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