Upland Wheat Ale is a classic rendition of the Belgian Witbier (white beer) style. Pliny the Younger Clone - Based on Russian River's ultra hoppy double IPA, a bit short on gravity Temptation Clone - Chardonnay spiked pale sour based on the beer from Russian River Adapted from the article All About Grains 101 by Jim Busch. Old Brown Sock - Extract English brown ale with American ale yeast (my first batch) NE Australian IPA - NEIPA with Galaxy, Vic Secret, and spunded dry hop, extra juicy Lomaland #1 - Session-strength saison brewed with unmalted spelt and corn Galaxy-Rakau DIPA - Strong IPA featuring a combination of two hops known for bright/tropical flavors What Gose Round - My first attempt at Gose, with Indian coriander and sea salt Lambic 3.0 - My first attempt with the traditional Lambic turbid mash (delicious) North Carolina IPA - Brewed with malts and hops sourced from North Carolina, East Coast style Please enable javascript for an optimal experience. ★Inspired by Sebastian - 100% Brett claussenii table saison Whisky Barrel Wheat Trippelbock - An ultra-malty lager aged in a five gallon malt whisky barrel The light crisp flavors pair well with Rascal, while the spiciness from the Belgian yeast complements the blue cheese. Very Hoppy UnBirthday - APA with the hop character of an IPA. It is sometimes used to enhance flavor in Scottish ales or when making any beer of the “other smoked beer” category. Oerbier Inspired - A lower-gravity version of De Dolle Oerbier Special Reserva - dark/funky/oak Atomic Apricot - Quickly soured beer loaded with apricot puree and then dry hopped with Citra and Amarillo The tales and images of demons are popular in Belgian folklore and we follow suit with our own White Rascal. Dark Smoked Rye Baltic Porter - A smooth porter with a big bacony-smoke character Sapwood Session - Low bitterness with an extra fruity oomph from a blend of dried yeast French Blonde - Four ingredients, simple, clean, malty; a beer for barbecues and family reunions Belgian Mo' Betta Bretta Clone - 100% Brett clausenii beer based on the Pizza Port beer ★NEIPA: Lupulin Edition - Cloudy-juicy IPA finished with Citra and Mosaic lupulin in the keg Other Big Funky - High gravity sour with loads dark complexities Go Premium and unlock all our brewing tools!. Guinness Extra 1883 - Three malts, loads of early hops. Bourbon Brett Barley Wine - Caramelly oatmeal strong ale with vanilla bourbon notes and cherry Brett funk Black House #3 - Slightly stronger, thicker, and roastier. London Porter ca. Softer and Juicier APA - Ugly, but delicious with oats and wheat, plus Nelson/Amarillo/Columbus Simcoe Stout - Roasty oatmeal stout dry hopped with piney Simcoe hops Cider 2008 - With lactose and pectic enzyme, really tasty Big Brown Barrel-off - Strong English brown aged on oak, in a barrel, and infused with liquor Stay in–the–know on new releases, festivals & dinners. Big Brew Day Barleywine - Group parti-gyle American barleywine Flanders Red Again - My second attempt at the style, starter for the wine barrel Flanders red Funky Dark Saison #5 - Sour and red this year, split onto a variety of fruits/vegetables Neo-Kvass Imperial Sourdough - Bigger badder kvass fermented with a SF sourdough starter Roasty, bitter, thick, barrel-aged in a malt whisky barrel DCambic - Turbid mash, aged hops, spontaneous fermentation (an American Lambic) ★ = Favorites New Zealan' Saison - Tart, funky, citrusy saison flavored with wine and hops from New Zealand Blazing World #2 - Darker, danker, and fuller than the original, with Columbus in place of the Ahtanum I calculated this recipe (with no topping) on our Recipe Analyzer and here are estimated values per serving (1/6 of recipe): 326 kcal Protein: 29.14 g Fat: 5.74 g Carbohydrates: 45.26 g Total saturated: 1.006 g Total trans: 0.014 g Please use jpg, png, gif and bmp files only. Landlord Clone - 4.3% ABV "strong" pale ale based on the famous beer from Timothy Taylor India Brown Ale - A big/hoppy American brown based on Mike McDole's Janet's Brown Chocolate Pumpkin Porter - Inspired by Midnight Sun's TREAT (Imperial Chocolate Pumpkin Porter) 0.15 oz Bravo (15.6% AA) at 60 min, 0.2 oz Bravo (15.6% AA) at 30 min, 0.27 oz Sterling (6.8% AA) & 0.18 oz Hersbrucker (4.5% AA) at 0 min, 0.31 oz Coriander, 0.07 oz Bitter Orange Peel, 0.28 oz Sweet Orange Peel added at flame out, Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier at 19 C for 75% of fermentation, raise the temperature to 25C for VDK rest. We're sorry you can't view the site, but thanks for being honest. Bottling and Pasteurization - Putting the sake into bottles and making sure all the microbes are dead, A quick sour with flowers (heather/lavender and jasmine/hibiscus) added instead of hops, Homebrew Water Treatment – A Practical Guide, Guide to Adjusting Recipes for Efficiency, Volume, and Extract, Favorite Recipes by BJCP 2015 Style Guidelines, Brett Blend Rye Saison - Furlough Edition. Pom Dom - Belgian dubbel with cardamom and pomegranate molasses Funky Dark Saison #2 - With black cardamom, and caramelized dates Packaging Sour No-boil Berliner Weisse 5 (Lemliner Weisse) - Now with Lactobacillus brevis and lemon zest Cheater Hops - DIPA split batch with Citra/Galaxy and Mosaic/Belma Buckwheat Sour Amber - A batch to see what character buckwheat adds to a sour beer Flanders Pale Ale - Flanders Red without the red, half aged on pluots (plum-apricot hybrid) Matt and Mike - Pale sour split between BlackMan Yeast and a culture from Hill Farmstead Anna NEIPA Tmavé Pivo (Czech Dark Lager) - A richer/roastier version of this Bohemian cousin to dunkel and schwarzbier Perpetuum Sour - A pale sour, solera aged in a red wine barrel DC Homebrewers Anniversary Beer 2010 - Apple wood smoked stout with local honey No-boil Berliner Weisse - My first attempt at the light/tart style using Wyeast's blend Cherry Doppelbock - Big doppelbock with several types of cherries Sour Kvass - A light ale with rye bread based on a recipe from East End Brewing Ice Cider - Ice-concentrated, high-gravity cider Select the topics you are interested in, and we'll send you the right emails. Funky Dark Saison #7 - Mostly English grist plus citrus peel in the fermentor Sour Worted Old Ale - A mildly tart brown ale, half soured before the start of primary fermentation There was an error. ★Cable Car Clone - Soured blend of Saison, Bier de Garde, and Lager based on the Lost Abbey beer Munich (Malt) Porter - A Porter brewed with Munich malt and fermented with London ESB Galaxy DIPA - A hop attack featuring the tropical Galaxy hop variety Heather Gruit - A quick sour with flowers (heather/lavender and jasmine/hibiscus) added instead of hops ★Simcoe & Sons - Peachy APA fermented with Conan and hopped with Simcoe, Mosaic, and Citra Citra (Papaya) Summer Pale - Light "summer" pale ale with Citra hops Funky Flower - Honey, chamomile, wheat based sour beer (half with white peaches) Belgian Sugar Experiment #2 - Five more sugars face the experiment Funky Rye Mild - English mild with rye that took an unexpected turn Other Clean Beers Festbier - A paler version of Oktoberfest with LODO techniques Butter, or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, two - 9 x 2 inch (23 x 5 cm) cake pans and line the bottoms of the pans with a circle of parchment paper. Muscovado Tropical Stout - A sweet stout with unrefined sugar, for summertime sipping Matt - Inspired by HoTD's Adam amped up with dark candi syrup, two smoked malts, and Calvados Blonde Coffee Blonde - A hoppy American blonde ale aged a citrusy coffee De Dom Quick Sour - Not so quick, not so sour, with Wyeast De Bom Sour Blend In the tradition of the Belgian Wit style, Upland Wheat Ale is unfiltered, creating a cloudy, … Swankey - Anise laced dark mild, a historic Pennsylvania specialty Koji - Inoculating a portion of the rice with mold Lambic Mrk 2 - Me second, too strong, attempt at a Lambic 90 Shilling Stout #2 - Addition of caramel malt brought it closer, adding support to the roast Brett Blend Rye Saison - Furlough Edition - Split three ways to trial three Brett combination Straining and Racking - Separating the fermented sake from the remaining grains of rice Rings of Light - Our first pale ale at Sapwood Cellars, dry hopped with Citra Tart Saison - Fermented with ECY Bugfarm 15, then split onto fruit What Hop Shortage? Search Beer Recipes. American Malt Dubbel - Massachusetts' Valley Malt combined with two dark candi syrups Raw Wheat: Used in wit beers at 45% of grist and in lambics at 30%. Local Peach Wheat - Amber ale with local unmalted wheat, and peaches, then dry hopped with wet hops ★Black House #2 - Coffee stout, with lots of toasted oats (added to the mash this time) 100% Brett Species Trials - A pale wort fermented with B. nanus, B. naardensis, and B. custersianus ★American Bitter - Second runnings for Pliny the Younger blasted with Citra and Chinook hops Want no ads? Extract Hefe - Light hefeweizen brewed with extract ★Golding Medal Bitter - A quick/delicious session ale with US Goldings and London ESB yeast Nelson Jr. Micro-IPA - 2.1% ABV "IPA" hopped with Nelson Sauvin and Amarillo Audrey's Amber - A strong Belgian amber brewed with my girlfriend Audrey You must be new to the Internet. 90 Shilling Stout - A Scottish ale caramelized first runnings for character and extra roasted barley The WBC is for Wit Beverage Company. Select the photo to upload and click the "Save Photo" button. Sour The Orange Line-accessible taproom and seasonal patio offers a satisfying snack menu of grilled cheese, hot dogs, and pretzels. Finished with Brett B Lots of Amarillo/Simcoe/Columbus Poor Richard's Ale - Historic molasses and corn infused beer, for Ben Franklin's 300th birthday
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