
korean armistice agreement

The armistice was signed on July 27, 1953, and was designed to … 59. When the Military Armistice Commission determines that a violation of this Armistice Agreement has occurred, it shall immediately report such violation to the Commanders of the opposing sides. Amendments and additions to this Armistice Agreement must be mutually agreed to by the Commanders of the opposing sides. 22. Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks), senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act. It was signed by U.S. Army Lieutenant General William Harrison, Jr. representing the United Nations Command (UNC), North Korean General Nam Il representing the North Korean People's Army, and the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army. 2. In order to expedite the repatriation process of such personnel, each side shall, prior to the signing of the Armistice Agreement, exchange the total numbers, by nationalities, or personnel to be directly repatriated. The Korean Armstice Agreement signed on 27 July 1953 is the armistice that brought about a complete cessation of hostilities of the Korean War. 53. (a) Immediately after this Armistice Agreement becomes effective, joint Red Cross teams composed of representatives of the national Red Cross Societies of countries contributing forces to the United Nations Command on the one hand, and representatives of the of the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and representatives of the Red Cross Society of the People's Republic of China on the other hand, shall be established. The waters of the Han River Estuary shall be open to civil shipping of both sides wherever one bank is controlled by one side and the other bank is controlled by the other side. 10. 33. The two (2) remaining members on each side may be major generals, brigadier generals, colonels, or their equivalents. Neutral nations Inspection Teams shall be stationed at the following ports of entry.Territory under the military contrail of the United Nations CommandINCHON..................................(37 28, 126 38'E)TAEGU............................... .....(35 52'n, 128 36'E)PUSAN................................ ....(35 45'N, 129 02'E)KANGNUNG............................(37 45'N, 128 54'E)KUNSAN.................................(35 59'E, 126 43'E)Territory under the military control of the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's VolunteersSINUJU....................................(40 06'n, 124 24E)CHONGJIN..............................(41 46'N, 129 49E)HUNGNAM...............................(39 50'N, 127 37'E)MANPO.................................. ..(41 46'N, 126 18'E)SINANJU..................................(39 36'N, 125 36'E)These Neutral Nations Inspection Teams shall be accorded full convenience of movement within the areas and over the routes of communication set forth on the attached map (Map 5). (b) The joint Red Cross teams shall be organized as set forth below: (1) One team shall be composed of twenty (20) members, namely, ten (10) representatives from the national Red Cross Societies of each side, to assist in the delivering and receiving of prisoners of war by both sides at the place(s) of delivery and reception of prisoners of war. Not more than half of the mobile Neutral Nations Inspection Teams shall be dispatched at any one time in accordance with requests of the senior member of either side on the Military Armistice Commission. 60. 23. In order to justify the requirements for combat aircraft, armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition to be introduced into Korea for replacement purposes, reports concerning every incoming shipment of these items shall be made to the MAC and the NNSC; such reports shall include statements regarding the disposition of the items being replaced. (c) So that there may be no misunderstanding owing to the equal use of three languages, the act of delivery of a prisoner of war by one side to other side shall, for the purposes of the Armistice Agreement, be called "repatriation" in English, ( ) "Song Hwan" in Korean and ( ) "Ch'ien Fan" in Chinese, notwithstanding the nationality or place of residence of such prisoner of war. Within this time limit each side undertakes to complete repatriation of the above- mentioned prisoners of war in its custody at the earliest practicable time. 4. Each side insures that it will not employ in acts of war in the Korean conflict any prisoner of war released and repatriated incident to the coming into effect of this armistice agreement. The military demarcation line is located as indicated on the attached map. The Armistice, signed on July 27, 1953, ended the bloodiest war in Korean history. (b) All civilians of foreign nationality who, at the time this Armistice Agreement becomes effective, are in territory under the military control of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers shall if they desire to proceed to territory under the military control of the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations command, be permitted and assisted to do so; all civilians of foreign nationality who, at the time this Armistice Agreement becomes effective, are in territory under the military control of the Commander-in- Chief, United Nations Command, shall, if they desire to proceed to territory under the military Control of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers, be permitted and assisted to do so. (5) Additional personnel such as drivers, clerks, and interpreters, and such equipment as may be required by the joint Red Cross teams to perform their missions, shall be furnished by the Commander of each side to the team operating in the territory under his military control. 30. A Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission is hereby established. 27. (f) Subject to the provisions of the preceding Sub-paragraphs, conduct without delay investigations of reported violations of this Armistice Agreement, including such investigations of reported violations of this Armistice Agreement as may be requested by the Military Armistice Commission or by the senior member of either side on the Commission. The general mission of the Military Armistice Commission shall be to supervise the implementation of this Armistice Agreement and to settle through negotiations any violations of this Armistice Agreement. These staff assistants may be appointed as alternate members of the Commission. It delineates the withdrawal of military forces and the establishment of a demilitarized zone as a buffer zone between the parties and to prevent the occurrence of incidents which might lead to … It shall be composed of six (6) officers of field grade, three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command, and three (3) of whom shall be appointed jointly by the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers. 32. The Commanders of the opposing sides shall have suitable markers erected along the boundary between the demilitarized zone and their respective areas. Upon eventual dissolution of the Commission, one set of the above files shall be turned over to each side. Responsibility for compliance with and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Armistice Agreement is that of the signatories hereto and their successors in command. Subsequently, additional safe lanes shall be cleared; and eventually, within forty-five (45) days after the termination of the seventy-two (72) hour period, all such hazards shall be removed from the demilitarized zone as directed by the under the supervision of the MAC. It shall be the duty of this Committee to co-ordinate the timing of the arrival of prisoners of war at the place(s) of delivery and reception of prisoners of war from the prisoner of war camps of both sides; to make, when necessary, such special arrangements as may be required with regard to the transportation and welfare of sick and injured prisoners of war; to co-ordinate the work of the joint Red Cross teams, established in Paragraph 57 hereof, in assisting in the repatriation of prisoners of war; to supervise the implementation of the arrangements for the actual repatriation of prisoners of war stipulated in Paragraphs 53 and 54 hereof; to select, when necessary, additional place(s) of delivery and reception of prisoners of war; and to carry out such other related functions as are required for the repatriation of prisoners of war. Such recommended changes should generally be those designed to insure a more effective armistice. The Military Armistice commission shall be composed of ten (10) senior officers, five (5) of whom shall be appointed by the Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command, and five (5) of whom shall be appointed jointly by the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers. This collection contains Russian, Chinese, and Polish documents on the armistice negotiations which span the nearly two-year period of talks (July 1951-July 1953), shedding light on North Korean, Soviet, and Chinese strategic thinking … On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, ceasing hostilities and bringing an end to the Korean War. To accomplish this task, the joint Red Cross teams shall provide assistance in the delivering and receiving of prisoners of war by both sides at the place(s) of delivery and reception of prisoners of war, and shall visit the prisoner-of-war camps of both sides to comfort the prisoners of war. Although technically leaving the two countries in a state of war, the agreement … The Commanders of the opposing sides shall furnish to the other side all available information pertaining to the places of burial of the deceased military personnel of the other side. (e) Insure that personnel of their respective commands who violate any of the provisions of this armistice agreement are adequately punished. When the Military Armistice Commission determines that a violation of this Armistice Agreement has been corrected to its satisfaction, it shall so report to the Commanders of the opposing sides. (c) Cease the introduction into Korea of Reinforcing military personnel; provided, however, that the rotation of units and personnel, the arrival in Korea of personnel on a temporary duty basis, and the return to Korea of personnel after short periods of leave or temporary duty outside of Korea shall be permitted within the scope prescribed below: "Rotation" is defined as the replacement of units or personnel by other units or personnel who re commencing a tour of duty in Korea. 16. The chairmanship of this team shall alternate daily between representative from the Red Cross Societies of the two sides. 46. The Commission is authorized to maintain duplicate files of such other reports, records, etc., as may be necessary in the conduct of its business. The military Armistice Commission shall: (a) Locate its headquarters in the vicinity of PANMUNJOM (37 57'29" n, 126 40'00" e). (2) Insofar as practicable, information regarding name, nationality, rank, and other identification data, date and cause of death, and place of burial, of those prisoners of war who died while in his custody. agreement started on July 10, 1951, in the city Kaesŏng, a city occupied by North Korea in North Hwanghae Province near the South Korean border. (d) The joint Red Cross teams shall be dissolved upon completion of the program of repatriation of all of the prisoners of war specified in Sub-paragraph 51 (a) hereof, who insist upon repatriation. 19. It ended in peace agreement, without offering any attempt to end of koreans would soon as unrealistic in spite of israel. Additional personnel such as drivers, clerks, interpreters, and communications personnel, and such equipment as may be required by the Teams to perform their missions, shall be furnished by the Commander of each side, as required, in the Demilitarized Zone and in the territory under his military control. Concrete Arrangements for Cease-Fire and Armistice, 12. Through shooting the four small arms-raids at the South Korean guard post, North Korea had (d)    (1) A Committee for Assisting the Return of Displace Civilians is hereby established. 57. Korean armistice agreement, korean economic legislation has grown strong ccf commander is. (4) In order to facilitate the functioning of each joint Red Cross team, sub-teams composed of not less than two (2) members from this team, with an equal number of representatives from each side, may be formed as circumstances require. Such combat aircraft, armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition shall be introduced into Korea only through the ports of entry enumerated in paragraph 43 hereof. In order to prevent unnecessary delays, the use of alternate routes and means of transportation will be permitted whenever the main lines of communication are closed or impassable. Recommendations to the Governments Concerned on Both Sides. _________________________General, Korea People's ArmySenior Delegate,Delegation of the Korean People'sArmy and the Chinese People'sVolunteers, _________________________________Lieutenant General, United States ArmySenior Delegate,United Nations Command Delegation. (6) Whenever jointly agreed upon by the representatives of both sides on any joint Red Cross team, the size of such team may be increased or decreased, subject to confirmation by the committee for Repatriation of Prisoners of War. Done at Panmunjom, Korea at 10:00 hours on the 27th day of July 1953, in English, Korean and Chinese, all texts being equally authentic. Korean War Armistice Agreement, July 27, 1953; Treaties and Other International Agreements Series #2782; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives. Members appointed to the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams may be from the armed forces of the appointed. The Committee for Repatriation of Prisoners of War shall maintain its headquarters in proximity to the headquarters of the Military Armistice Commission. (d) Cease the introduction into Korea of reinforcing combat aircraft, armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition; provided however, that combat aircraft, armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition which are destroyed, damaged, worn out, or used up during the period of the armistice may be replaced on the basis piece-for-piece of the same effectiveness and the same type. The armistice provides a definitive end to hostilities for the Korean war. The historian says summit in korean armistice agreement summary that were used to more on both south korean relations? (b) If any prisoners of war escape or die after the effective date of the supplementary information specified above, the detaining side shall furnish to the other side, through the Committee for Repatriation of Prisoners of War, the data pertaining thereto in accordance with the provisions of Sub-paragraph 58 (a) hereof.

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