
danny phantom and sam

Phantom Comics. Also, if you count the whole Ghost zone. In Beauty Marked, she wore fake vampire fangs. Danny and Sam's Regrets. Children She originally was supposed to have a 'psychic connection' with Danny that would let one know where the other one was; however, this was nixed right before the premiere, since Danny already had ghost powers and Sam had other attributes; Butch Hartman didn't want them to seem too developed already. In the episode "Girls' Night Out," Sam gains respect for Jazz's ghost-fighting abilities when her plan to rescue Amity Park from the allied Spectra, Ember, and Kitty is successful. Production Information Aliases She would always seem to be annoyed and irritated by their presence or even when Danny mentioned them. Danny Fenton has black hair and blue eyes. Ida Manson (grandmother)Izzy (great-grandfather) In "Beauty Marked," Prince Aragon wishes to have a human bride, so he sends his sister to find a suitable woman via a beauty pageant. The Manson family inherited a large fortune from Sam's great-grandfather Izzy, who invented a machine that twirled cellophane around deli toothpicks. This is shown when she broke up with Gregor because of how he insulted Tucker behind his back in "Double Cross My Heart", showing that she cares about the feelings of her friends. The idea behind this first version is that Sam is Danny's sidekick, in that she is still capable and a good fighter but at the end of the day Danny is the core, defining character in the team. Sam called Danny affectionately. Danny Phantom Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The two frequently quarrel, but in the end, still manage to reconcile and support each other. Grandparents In certain ways, Sam is actually the most enthusiastic of the three when it comes to Danny's powers and their potential. Hartman commented that he sees Danny as a Captain America type of character, and so Sam would be Black Widow (in this analogy). Enemies Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay safe. Sam has fair skin, violet eyes, and short black hair with a small ponytail at the top and at the back of her head held by a green hair tie. Sam's usual clothing consists of a black choker around her neck, a black top that exposes her midriff with a purple oval in the centre, black striped skirt with a green crosshatch design, purple leggings, and black combat boots. Jessi Nielsen on Instagram: “Danny Phantom and Sam Manson [Swipe for Closeups] And probably my all time fav show was Danny phantom. May 21, 2017 - Explore Morgie's board "Danny and Sam", followed by 239 people on Pinterest. He went as far as giving her plant-related powers to serve as a new "mother" for Undergrowth's plant children, although she was mind-controlled by him the whole time. Gender Pam Her black crop top, black and green skirt, black boots, black choker and top ponytail remain the same. Is there more to this girl that the trio of friends see? Throughout the series, Sam and Danny are best friends since childhood who always spend most of their time together. The clothes and physical attributes are aged up and she now wears a jacket, but maintains a similar style/vibe to the original 14-year-old Sam. She also wears purple lipstick. Ida Manson (Jeremy’s mother, Pam’s mother-in-law)[citation needed] Parents Fantasma Danny. Gregor (formerly)[6] Danny Fenton (current boyfriend) Danny and Sam are both blushy idiots who don't want to admit they are in love-yet. There arethree seasons long, and each season is 26 episodes long. Her outfit is similar to her outfit seen in the series. Female Discover more posts about sam-danny-phantom. Interests ", Sam comes from a Jewish background, which is revealed in the. See more ideas about danny phantom, danny phantom sam, phantom. Character Art. She isn't spoiled and would rather earn real friends instead of dealing with the popularity and fake friendships that come with wealth. Her black crop top now has the Danny Phantom logo on it where the purple oval was. See more ideas about danny phantom, ghost boy, phantom. If she is the Danny Phantom version of Black Widow, it is implied that she is a strong, adaptable, more than capable fighter. She also has a collection of vinyl records. The show focuses on Danny Fenton and Sam Manson (along with new characters Rachel Dawson, Diane, and Greg Osbourne) doing anything special in their life in school, at home, and somewhere in and outside Amity Park. Sam considers Tucker her best friend as well, but the two are quite opposites (his meat habits as opposed to her vegetarian habits, his lighthearted behavior to her more down-to-earth method) and often bicker over even the most mundane reasons. For Jeremy: Thurston (by Jack)[1] 5050. While they alluded to this pairing earlier on in the show, and in a few other places as well, the way they executed their eventual relationship was completely wonk. In "Life Lessons," she names her and Tucker's flour sack child "Lilith," which is a reference to the actual name of a female demon in Jewish mythology. She also reveals at this time that when Danny was protecting Amity Park, she felt safe knowing that there was someone out there doing the right thing, but with him no longer fighting ghosts, she's not sure what would happen. Sam Manson is a canon character. Isn't that the same Val that's usually on a jet sled trying to paste Danny? Whilst checking out the Ghost Portal made by Danny's father with Danny, Sam accidentally presses the "on" button inside the ghost portal, causing it to turn on with her and Danny inside. They are outspoken and eager to defend the enforcement of their beliefs, and have been known to rally others to protest things they are against, such as when Circus Gothica came to Amity Park. As an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian (she doesn't eat anything with a face), Sam is often livid over the wider range of popular materials. A total of 78 episodes were made. Added to her outfit are the goggles on top of her head, which are Maddie's goggles, and a purple Matrix-style jacket with a Danny Phantom logo on it. It has a hipster style to it because, as described by Hartman, gothic clothing was the equivalent of the early/mid 2000s version of a hipster. Get up to 20% off. 1 Pilot (2010) 2 Season 1 (2010-2012) 3 Season 2 (2012-2014) 4 Season 3 (2014-2016) It was clear that she didn't like the idea of him spending his time with them, because she thought she would never be able to receive a chance with him and feared getting rejected by her best friend. She is responsible for Danny's accident and designing the "D" emblem on his outfit, which became a permanent change to his costume as of Memory Blank. Danny Fenton is tired. She also admits that even though she may have possibly wanted to be in a relationship with Danny, she didn't want it to be because of the love spell. [citation needed] However, she does sometimes use her wealth to her advantage, such as bribing Tucker with a new PDA to convince him to exercise more. But no one except Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and Danny's sister Jazz Fenton. Species Sam has at least 10 different outfits in the series. Voice When Danny is under Ember's love spell, she mentions she enjoyed a little bit of the attention that he was giving her, but was not fully able to do so due to the seriousness of the situation. In the episode "Life Lessons," Tucker and Sam are caretakers of a flour sack for a school project. Upon Jazz's admittance of her knowledge of Danny's ghost powers, Jazz begins to assist Tucker, Sam, and Danny in capturing the various ghosts which attack Amity Park. Version 2 Paulina SanchezStarDash BaxterKwanGhostsKittyEmberPenelope SpectraBertrandVlad MastersDark Danny Unnamed cousins During Danny's ghost-hunting adventures, Sam has got into her fair share of troubles and adventure, ranging from being turned briefly into a ghost dragon when wearing the Amulet of Aragon when Paulina gave it to Sam, thinking it was hers, to accidentally wishing away Danny Phantom's existence, to nearly being a bride to Prince Aragon to getting possessed by Undergrowth. Human Earth A girl who appears normal at first sight. When Danny decides to head out on his own he might've expected to hit a few bumps on the way. Tired of school, bullies, and ghosts and humans alike out to kill him. Sam's personality is less dreary than the stereotypical "goth" persona that is often depicted in media. Her choker is more detailed, with either rhinestones or spikes on it. Jeremy Danny Phantom Season One Season Two Season Three Relationships Danny Fenton/Phantom. 2 Comments 13 Shares. Shop unique Danny Phantom And Sam face masks designed and sold by independent artists. They still battle ghosts, and Sam is determined to make sure they succeed. The two finally had their first real kiss in the series finale, and finally end up together. On Sam's bedroom walls, there are posters that reference to various bands and movies, some of which include. Enemies Danny Phantom Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Her ponytail holder and leggings have inverted colors, with the leggings being green and the ponytail holder now purple. Sam always had difficulty expressing her crush on him, as shown in Reign Storm, when she couldn't admit to Valerie that she liked Danny as more than a friend. Of all of Danny's crushes, Sam is the only one who likes Danny as both Fenton and Phantom, and not just either one of them. Her weapons include a larger version of the wrist ray, and a small hand-held blaster. Danny Hero Phantom by Fenixyz. In addition to her skills, she also an arsenal of guns and machinery at her disposal. She, along with Tucker, has been in all but one episode of the entire series (", Sam's name in the mainland Chinese dub is 小珊 (Xiao Shan), which means "little coral. She can be rational, sarcastic, forceful, bossy, passionate, and strong-willed, but also good-hearted and caring. Action Adventure Fanfiction Danny Phantom Tucker Sam. [9] Her mother usually tries to get her to wear clothing that is completely out of her style, such as in Control Freaks and Reign Storm. Freakshow But ever since Danny got his ghost like powers, he's noticed something off about Reva. Danny thinks algebra is as confusing as the Ghost Zone. Jazz is in college and is 20 years old. Book 3. ~1989 . According to the 2005 Nickelodeon Magazine Ultimate Enemy edition, Sam's interests are horror films, sci-fi, and Japanese anime. Aliases Sam doesn't have any supernatural powers on her own, though she has gained ghost powers in some way during several episodes: Sam is still Danny's best friend and girlfriend. However, she keeps her family's wealth as a secret, only revealing it to her best friends in Attack of the Killer Garage Sale. Danny becomes the judge of the pageant and accidentally chooses Sam as the winner. ", "Doesn't anyone in this town drive a compact car?". The Mansons have a rivalry with the Fenton parents. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Samantha "Sam" Manson wasn't answering his cell phone, she was out looking for him, . This Halloween, my girlfriend and I wanted … Homeworld All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Horror fantasyHorrorSci-fi filmsJapanese anime and mangaVideo games Residence This upsets Sam, who considers actually dating Elliot. He turned her into his second-in-command because of her love for nature. During Danny's ghost-hunting adventures, Sam has gotten into her fair share of troubles and adventures, ranging from being turned briefly into a ghost dragon when wearing the Amulet of Aragon when Paulina gave it to Sam, thinking it was hers, to accidentally wishing away Danny Phantom's existence, to nearly being a bride to Prince Aragon and to getting possessed by Undergrowth. Undergrowth, a plant ghost, overshadowed Sam and became her "father" once he took over Amity Park. Last episode Her only other intimate interaction with him was "fake-out-make out number two" in Memory Blank which was initiated by Danny in order to create a distraction from his father. Danny Phantom and Sam moments (Fanning the Flames) - video … [1], Sam is very conscious of how her parents' wealth could cause her classmates to perceive and treat her differently, therefore she avoids letting most people know about it. Sam mentions that she likes messing with her parents, and enjoys their absence as shown in Pirate Radio. She and Danny have always been assumed to be dating by numerous people, such as Dash in 'Mystery Meat', Valerie in Shades of Gray, Paulina in Parental Bonding, Mr. Lancer and Ember in Fanning the Flames, Star in 'Flirting with Disaster', Johnny 13 in Girls' Night Out and even Nocturn in Frightmare. After learning Danny's secret, Jazz becomes a member of "Team Phantom" and tries really hard to fit in with Sam, Danny… She is transported to Aragon's castle, where she undergoes preparation to be his wife and queen. Version 4 Affiliations [7] This trait often gets on Danny and Tucker's nerves. Hair color Version 1 The Inspiration. And so the new style would be an updated/modern version of that same attitude. However, they would always deny it, knowing that they weren't actually together. In Mystery Meat, she forces her ultra-recyclo-vegetarian diet on the entirety of Casper High School, despite her claims of the importance of individuality. Version 3 Upper-right Danny: Danny was battling a ghost when he heard "Danny" being called from behind him. Danny & Sam is a spin-off of Danny Phantom. Danny Fenton also known as Danny Phantom. 14 In both of the "fake-out-make outs" that they had, the two seemed to enjoy it, although they later become embarrassed by these intimate moments.[10][7]. The … "Phantom Planet" When he expresses his desire to get rid of his powers and have a normal teen life, she voices her distaste for the idea. "Control Freaks" Fantasias Halloween. After a night of studying, Danny and Sam take a … He disguises himself as a Hungarian foreign exchange student named Gregor and tells her he is a goth and an Ultra-Recyclo Vegetarian. It is clear that she would do anything she could to help her friends during their numerous battles and keep them out of trouble. Friends Jeremy and Pam Manson Jeremy and Pamela are apt to express their wealth in lavish ways, such as turning their basement into a movie theater/bowling alley or hiring an entire medical staff for Sam, who came down with a common cold. Ha pasado un año viviendo en relativa calma, pero eso puede cambiar pronto. Featured: Commission - The Ultimate Enemy (Sam Phantom AU) Echoheartx 11 Recent Deviations Featured: DP: Commission - The Art Of Seduction. The second design is what she would wear as her everyday outfit. Tucker FoleyDanny FentonJazz FentonKwan (briefly)[5]Dani Phantom Sam can be rather hypocritical at times.  Violet     Â Green (under Undergrowth's control)     Â Red (when turned into a dragon)[1]. She and Danny are always struggling to find time alone, away from fans and the media, as well as complete their mission. Danny and Tucker eventually rescue her, along with Dora's help. The final version of Sam 10 years later is a mix of the fourth (Laura Croft style) version and Sam's original design, with the clothes themselves resembling her original outfit, and her weaponry resembling the fourth version. And have to go to Dimmesdale, California and find his cousin. She has also been seen in a wide variety of outfits, ranging from a rocker rebel than a goth of black and purple ball gown to a pink princess dress with hearts, and even one of the orange Fenton Works jumpsuits. Izzy Manson, who invented a machine that twirled cellophane around deli toothpicks Sam cares a lot for Danny, and this can be seen in Parental Bonding, when she became so furious at Paulina for using Danny just to end up hurting him, that she became a dragon, (because of the amulet), who tried to attack her. This iteration of Sam 10 years later is a Laura Croft-eque, armored, serious fighter. Character Design. Ironically, Danny asks her this question because he feels that way about his ghost persona's enemy, Valerie. [2] Because of this, they don't approve of Danny's friendship with their daughter and they also blame thing on each other.

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