Ski Resorts Terms She is supposed to be cursed to wander the banks for eternity searching for her children. This is the website for those who LIKE getting lost! They discovered untouched wilderness — a wonderland of wildlife, … Insights El Paso Science Museum is no more; according to reports, it was demolished in 2013. The sound of someone playing basketball has been heard in the gym when no one was ... At Cattleman's Steakhouse there is rumored to be an apparition of a man that only can be seen from the corner of one's eye. your own Pins on Pinterest Pet Friendly Cloudcroft is a village in Otero County, New Mexico, and is within the Lincoln National Forest.The population was 674 at the 2010 census.Despite being located in an otherwise arid region, its high elevation (8,676 feet (2,644 m); one of the highest in the U.S.) allows for a relatively mild summer that makes it a popular tourist attraction in West Texas and New Mexico. Alamogordo High School documentary of Rebecca, the Ghost of the Cloudcroft Lodge. Halloween Events! Contact Us Search for: About Us; Events; Chapel; History; Photo Gallery; 9th Annual “The Haunted Village” September 16, 2020 katie jones. The ghost of a red-haired woman is said to haunt the dining room as well as the ghost of a former maid who was allegedly murdered there. The ghost of the woman who owned the restaurant previously is said to haunt it. This building in particular has so much history to it and also really unique and just breathtaking gorgeous setting. Over the years, witnesses have described such things as stage lights exploding or changing color, props falling, and apparitions, including one of Pancho Villa. Search for: About Us; Events; Chapel; History; Photo Gallery; Haunted Village 2020. » Find museums in Cloudcroft, NM. It’s got a reputation as one of the most haunted places in New Mexico, and for good reason. Uncategorized Leave a comment. This episode features The Lodge, a haunted hotel in Cloudcroft, New Mexico and the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Nestled high in these mountains is the Lodge at Cloudcroft, a stately hotel haunted by a seductive redhead. Visitors who are brave enough to explore the cemetery at night have reported back with strange findings. Add Other Places, AllStays Classic Guides Add A Room See more ideas about cloudcroft, cloudcroft new mexico, cabin. It was named after a ghost and her portraits, including a stained-glass window, are scattered throughout the property. Rebecca was a beautiful, young maid with striking blue eyes and red hair, who was murdered by a jealous lumberjack at the inn back in the 1930s. Redheaded Rebecca Haunts Lodge At Cloudcroft, NM Rising up from the arid plains and desert floor of southeastern New Mexico, the Capitan Mountains thrust visitors into an alpine realm of tall ponderosa pines and fragrant wildflowers. Witnesses also claim that the lights go on and off and doors open and close by themselves. The railroad’s owners were intrigued by the majestic mountains to the East of Alamogordo and soon sent a survey party to the summit. May 2, 2016 - Escape the city to unwind in these most peaceful towns in New Mexico. But more than that, this magnificent Cloudcroft New Mexico hotel and resort possesses a quality unlike any other retreat. Red lights and a ghostly woman in a red dress have been seen on the upper floor. The ghost is most often seen around the bar, in the Buffalo Room and in the Greenhouse Room. Come and take a look at our Halloween Madness! The Double Eagle boasts a rich history and of course, no historic building is complete without a major tragedy and subsequent haunting. The official page for The Haunted Village in Cloudcroft, New Mexico! She moves items and sometimes crashing sounds, as if all the pots were falling can be heard in the kitchen. Rebecca's presence is also felt in the Red Dog Saloon, where ashtrays move by themselves and flames appear in the fireplace with no logs or other source of fuel. The historic Magoffin Home was originally built by El Paso mayor Joseph Magoffin in 1875. Searching for the best place to find Halloween Haunted Houses and Halloween events in Cloudcroft, NM? Haunted Hotels > In the summer, it is a wonderful place to get away from the heat and enjoy the delightful pleasures of the mountains. ... Fort Bliss is rumored to be a ghost-hunter's delight with apparitions that appear in photographs, footsteps, unexplained noises, lights that go on and off, toilets that flush by themselves, and voices that come from nowhere. Visit the Cloudcroft Museum today, where history comes alive on 2 1/2 wooded acres in beautiful Cloudcroft, New Mexico, 9,000 ft. above stress level. At Concordia Cemetery, more than 60,000 folks have been laid to rest, and many lie in UN-rest, according to reports. People also claim that someone was murdered in the hanger and their ... Reports of a young, crying boy who runs across the street at night. Advertising One ghost is believed to be Charles ... University of Texas El Paso, aka UTEP, has more than its share of haunted buildings. From the turn-of-the-century fire that destroyed the original structure to its ghostly inhabitants to its storied past, our resort offers a haunting presence that can be felt to your very core. Just to name a few: Pans of lasagna flew off tables, an apparition of a charred arm appeared coming through a door, and unexplained pounding was heard at ... At Old Southwestern General Hospital, there is said to be a ghost nurse who changes bedsheets and walks the halls in the hospital's empty fourth floor. It's said that the cemetery is so active with apparitions and other strange occurrences that the L&J Café across the street even gets some "business" from the cemetery's ghosts. Visit the Cloudcroft Museum today, where history comes alive on 2 1/2 wooded acres in beautiful Cloudcroft, New Mexico, 9,000 ft. above stress level. The landmark Toltec Building, completed in 1910, is rumored to be haunted. Men who have used that bed in the past say the bed shakes, the blankets are tugged at, and their sleep is ruined by unexplained coughing fits. Haunted Hotels, Extended Stays Trunk or Treat, Haunted Hayrides, Ghost Tours & more! Caretakers at Fort Craig National Historic Site have witnessed an apparition in Civil War clothing and heard voices that have come from the ruins. Gravity hills are interesting natural phenomena that are nature's practical jokes on the gullible. (Submitted by Callum Swift), This old train depot now serves as a railroad museum, and is rumoured to be haunted by at least three spirits, including two ghostly men and a woman in an old-fashioned dress. This historic courthouse was built in 1937, and is no longer used for judicial affairs. Several dozen employees and guests at this mountain resort have seen the apparition of a woman wearing a long dress, wandering the lodge halls. Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Rumor has it that the Camino Real is a haunted hotel. The Amador Hotel, built in 1866, is popular among the area's ghost tours. There are reported hauntings in the corridor's of the building, where the ghost of a young man dressed in an early 20th century suit has been seen. La Fonda on the Plaza, Santa Fe Check Availability. Sep 30, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Jessica Van Der Molen. The historical museum features war paraphernalia and other such exhibits from the past, and is rumoured to be haunted. The Lodge at Cloudcroft, an 85 year-old inn contains the Rebecca restaurant. With more than 100 years of service, it's small wonder that this historic train station would have some occurances. While these reports probably came about through young men trying to con gullible girls - "no honey, I swear my car just died, it ... Eerie sounds and lights have been reported around Bonito lake. The Double Eagle Restaurant in Las Cruces is haunted by two lovers. Support - Legend Voices have also been heard when there is no one around. Some of the apparitions here include a shadowy man in black and an elderly man smoking a cigarette. While there are many variations of the story - accidental death, suicide over pregnancy, murdered through being locked away and starved - the particulars of the ... At the photo lab at El Paso Community College, strange things may be afoot. The Haunted Village. Come inside, there is much to be discovered here. Monteleone's Ristorante. Witnesses have reported disembodied footsteps, the sound of crying, and a ghost girl. Location Address: 601 Corona Place, Cloudcroft, New Mexico, 88317 Built in 1911, The Lodge Resort in Cloudcroft, New Mexico is said to be haunted by the spirit of a red haired woman named Rebecca, as well as the spirit of a former maid who was allegedly murdered and buried in the basement. The ghost is said to be friendly, and may forewarn the firefighters about impending calls. Cloudcroft isn't a place that gets a lot of tourists these days. The area was believed to be haunted by the ghost of an 18-year-old employee, Frank Guzman Jr., who was killed in 1985 while trying to recover a park guest's cap from a roller coaster track. Add A Campground The 1930 Plaza Theatre, originally a movie house, has several ghosts, according to witnesses. Folks say that at Old Main, Cotton Memorial, the Geology Building, Hudspeth Hall and Worrell Hall, there are sounds of footsteps, trash cans that open by themselves and flickering lights. A ghostly woman is said to wander the halls wearing a white gown and a melancholy expression. The ghost of a red-haired woman is said to haunt the dining room as well as the ghost of a former maid who was allegedly murdered there. If you go to most ghost websites out there, you will find some variation of this hogwash: The NMMI does not use the word "juliet" for the letter "J" in their phonetic alphabet because they believe it is badluck.
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