BTS has been to many countries since it begun.So most of the BTS army were lucky to see them from their naked eye except SLarmy. Hello !! Sri Lankan Fans who stan BTS boy band Calling all Sri lankan BTS fans (SL-ARMYs), We are all too familiar with seeing our Boys BTS announce their tour dates and our hearts just sink knowing they will never come here. Sri Lankan ARMY here !! Being a fan for over 3 years now I've seen how much K-pop has expanded globally, especially here in Sri lanka. What's with the kpop hate in Sri Lanka? I myself like some Kpop groups, definitely am not an "ARMY" person but I don't hate BTS either. The symbol for BTS can be written BTS. It's just a genre of music, and I get that some fanbases can be toxic/obsessed, but isnt that true for everything? The Sri Lankan Rupee is divided into 100 cents. BTS is one of the best bands in the industry to us,and if you don't agree to it,that is ok,but no need to bash us for liking who we like.I hope all you haters live a … 34 talking about this. Isurika priyangani ishki_ August 28, 2020 Reply. So this is a really sad and bad thing for SLarmy. The biggest Sri Lankan BTS merchandiser. The exchange rate for the BitShare was last updated on May 14, 2021 from The Sri Lankan Rupee is the currency in Sri Lanka (LK, LKA). Probably the music equivalent of baiyaas and toiyyas. The craziness for BTS is still spreading like a viral infection in Sri Lanka.But through these years BTS haven't arrived to Sri Lanka even for a single day. In this world of technology, I doubt that they didn’t knew Sri Lanka. The symbol for LKR can be written Rs, , SLRs, and SL. Kiss fm Sri Lanka recently played Mic Drop by BTS ft Desiinger and Steve Aoki!! In the latest edition of Dear Oppa, Aditya from Sri Lanka dedicates their sweet letter to BTS’ SUGA. :cold_sweat: :heart: I hope all SL ARMY know that we can now listen to our faves on radio now ! Read their letter below. ! 377 talking about this. BTS ඔවුන්ගේම ගීත ලියාගන්නවා ... E Online Sri Lanka. Namjoon, the genius with an IQ of 148 would’ve probably memorize all the name of the countries in the world by now. No one even knew what k-pop was a couple of years back but nowadays it isn't that hard to find … Embassy Address High Commission of Sri Lanka 27, Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021. It's a question. 3 Comments.
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